Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Kibbutz, where are all the people???


It is hard to believe that we have passed the halfway mark of MSLP. Reflecting on the last couple of months, we could all agree that the adventures and activities have allowed us to truly immerse ourselves in Israeli culture. Over the chofesh break for Pesach we were given a much-needed opportunity to recharge our batteries, with everyone staying in various cities throughout Israel before entering a new phase of the program. For the last 3 weeks we have been staying at Kibbutz Yechiam located around in the far North of Israel. Life on kibbutz has been a change to our lifestyles, as many have questioned if there is civilisation where we are staying!

Each week we have been volunteering at the local school, where we take the school bus with the kids and involve ourselves in their programs. For those that volunteer at the junior school, a large amount of the time is spent in the sports classes, teaching new games and learning new Hebrew words while speaking to the kids who absolutely love us! 

At the secondary school, we have been teaching English and participating in physical education classes. The highlight of going to the school has definitely been the soccer and basketball matches against the locals, where we work up a sweat and reveal the Australian spirit!

Our Hebrew abilities have been put to the test as we headed back to “school” for Ulpan. Whilst the beginners may not be fluent, it has definitely taught us the fundamentals of the language that will allow improvement to be rapid. For the intermediate and advanced classes, this time has been an opportunity to fine-tune speaking skills whilst also working on communication skills. A special mention must go to Ryan for his determination and relentless work to learn and advance his Hebrew at a rapid rate.

This month has also seen the birthdays of Arielle and Zoe, as they took the large step from childhood into the real world. Mazel Tov!

Without a doubt, the highlight at the Kibbutz has been Seudat Shlishit each week (the third meal of Shabbos, just before it ends) where we feast on chocolate, chips and more chocolate! We have also enjoyed the opportunity to leave the Kibbutz to visit the local town of Nahariya. All the vital necessities are in this town; shawarma shops and Aroma coffee, what else does one need!

Regards to everyone back in Oz,


PS: Look out for Part 2 of Kibbutz, coming very, very soon to a blog near you J 

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